Our Magick



It is esoteric intention (internal, mystical) combined with erotic embodiment (sexual, sensual).

Through Esoerotic dance and movement, we are able to reclaim our sexual sovereignty. It’s an embodied practice where we learn to feel comfortable and empowered exploring soulful sensuality for ourselves, not for the approval—or pleasure—of others.

Through Esoerotic witchcraft, we conjure this sovereign, sexual life force in order to evoke our innate magick and show up as the ultimate creatrix of our life.

Esoeroticism is not frivolous or benign in nature. Rather, it is a mystical rite that connects us with our bodies and innate sexuality—outside of intercourse—allowing us to access our feminine intuition, unlock our magickal potential, and show up as the ultimate creatrix of our life!


Reminder: If we do not own our sexuality and sensuality, then someone else can. One of the biggest cons in this world is shaming us of this so we can be controlled and not live fully in our power. Through this practice, we are able to reconnect with our bodies, reclaim our sexual sovereignty, and emerge as more powerful, magickal creatures.

The Power of Transformation

Hi, I’m Kelley — Your Coven Proprietress & Studio Caretaker

I became a member of Minx + Muse (the initial incarnation of our beloved studio & coven) in December of 2021, and at that time I was terrified of my sexuality and completely disconnected from my body. You might call me a poster child for the transformative power of Esoeroticism and the foundational magick of our studio. This coven, the classes, and some of our members & instructors quite literally saved my life when I was going through some of the toughest things I've ever experienced.

My spiritual practice is something I hold very sacred and it is such a pleasure to share my magick with others. I am most deeply connected with the Dark Feminine, Nature, Life & Death magick, divination, and shamanic practices. I've been a green witch and apothecary for several years, and there's a good chance you've seen (or have come to possess) some of the magickal candles, soaps, or lip balms I have created (available on the shelves in the studio)!

It is a strong calling of my life path to hold space for those who are at a crossroads, in need of safe haven, seeking connection (with themselves or others), or in the midst of a personal transformation. It is such an honor to foster and nurture this beautiful community we have in our coven.

Thank you for your support and trust!
