Studio Policy:

  • Register and pay for all classes online or through the MINDBODY app

  • We do not offer any refunds on any purchases

  • Classes, packages, and memberships are non-transferable

  • Class and membership expirations cannot be extended

  • A liability waiver is required for all class, workshop, and party participants

  • Studio clientele must be 18 years or older; only persons registered for classes/workshops/parties are permitted in the studio

Class Cancellation Policy:

  • Please cancel class online or through the MINDBODY app.

  • Cancellations within 6 hours of class time will forfeit class credit. All no shows will forfeit class credit and be charged a $7 naughty spanking (auto deducted from account.) 100% of our collected Naughty Spanking fees will be donated to https://www.lilithfund.org/.

  • Clientele arriving more than 10 minutes late will be considered no shows and will not be admitted into class. This is for the clientele's safety as they will miss the warm up/intro instruction, and for the respect for the teacher and participants who will be firmly enveloped in class at this point.

  • There is a 3 student minimum to hold classes; any class without 3 students signed up online 3 hours prior to the class will be cancelled. Any registered students will be notified about a cancellation via email.

Waitlist Policy:

  • Persons on waitlist will be moved into class spots up to 3 hours prior to class and notified via email (please do not turn off notifications when signing up, or you will not receive this communication and will still be responsible for your attendance;) please exit waitlist if you will not be able to check email or make class within that time frame.

Party and Private Session Policies:

  • We do not offer refunds for parties or private sessions, though the appointment may be rescheduled if you cancel within 48 hours of your booked time.

  • Please reach out to us at hello@vespertineatx.com or 512-651-1091 if you need to cancel or reschedule a party or private session.