

What's worse than making the "wrong" choice? Doing nothing at all! Don't miss out on your best timeline by standing still. Illuminate your path by channeling your highest self!

"Do something, even if it's wrong"

Path of Progress, Peace & Prosperity (90 minutes)

Are you ready to journey through multiple planes of revelation to discover your best path? The Path of Progress, Peace, and Prosperity is recommended for first-timers or for those at complicated crossroads that seek deeper revelations. Jordyn will listen while you share your crossroad, and may use divination tools for additional clarity as she begins channeling from Source. It is recommended to have your star chart available for your session.
Please note, working with a channel can be an emotional experience. While many find the experience revealing and relieving, it is common to experience fatigue or the desire to seek solitude after an intensive channeled reading. Because this is the deepest path, Jordyn recommends scheduling self-care after the session to allow your body to process the information you've received. Due to the energetic intensity of these readings, Prosperity readings are limited to 1 per month.

Path of Progress & Peace (60 minutes)

The Path of Progress & Peace is designed for those with a subtle crossroad or those returning for additional insights from a Prosperity reading. Jordyn will provide guidance in navigating your path by channeling a download from Source. This path is a great option to use as an opportunity to check-in with your guides! It is recommended to have your star chart available for this session.

Path of Progress (20 minutes)

Needing some support but not ready to channel, quite yet? The Path of Progress is designed to support your personal spiritual journey by providing spellwork channeled from Source. Share your crossroads with Jordyn, and she will design a spell for you to cast in your own solo circle. Please note, you will not receive messages from Source on this Path.


Jordyn is a channel psychic, Hekatean witch, LGBTQ-ally, and career & marketing consultant. She safely stewards those navigating the crossroads of personal development and passionately provides career guidance to those seeking a change.

During your session with Jordyn, she will channel a Universal "download" to provide resonant insight and illuminate unexpected opportunity. The tribulations of a challenging relationship, clarity on a new opportunity, or making a career change; as a devotee to Hekate, Jordyn can help you navigate the crossroads by tapping into your divine timeline!